I’m Jacob. I live in Sydney, where I build digital products.

I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember, and wrote my first computer program when I was 10 years old, just two weeks after my mum brought home the brand new Lego Mindstorms controllers.

When I left school I traded competitive sport for a more sustainable practice. I started Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga including both Asana and Meditation. Since then I have been lucky to learn directly from many great teachers in their prime such as Sharath Jois, Richard Freeman, Mary Taylor, Ty Landrum and Eileen Hall. Sometimes I post free classes on YouTube to share what I have learned.

At university I studied Electrical Engineering and interned at National Australia Bank, Bovis Lend Lease and Atlassian.

Today, I am interested in building digital products and all the associated disciplines. Including software engineering, data analysis, product management, content marketing and seo.


  1. Company
    Xero Marketplace App (Propte)
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